Once you've selected your area of interest you'll be presented
with a complete list of relevant properties, along with a thumbnail
photograph and a brief description of the accommodation. Simply
click on the thumbnail photograph or the property name to view
your choice. Each property has an initial description page featuring
one medium sized photograph and four thumbnail shots - just click
on these to view larger versions in pop-up windows. For this and
other aspects of the site JavaScript functionality is required,
and, whilst we're being technical, you may encounter problems
if your browser is not accepting cookies.
You'll also see a link to additional photograph pages and maps,
as well as a link to an enlarged and fully printable property
description page. We prefer not to specify exact prices in order
to offer extra flexibility on, for example, last-minute offers.
However, we have classified accommodation into three broad (EURO)
groups: Price Band 1 is up to around €1500, Band 2 from €1500
to around €3000, and Band 3 from €3000 upwards.
Our 'suitcase' feature enables you to have a good look around
the site and select a range of properties that interest you. Just
click the 'add to suitcase' link that you'll see at the bottom
of the page and, when you're done, click 'view suitcase', enter
your message and send it off. Should you wish to send a different
message to one group of properties and something else again to
another group (different dates, for example), then that's not
a problem - simply select/deselect the relevant properties by
ticking/unticking them in your suitcase and off you go!
Should you already have a clear idea of your needs, you may prefer
to use our accommodation search page,
where you can specify the size of your group, the type of accommodation,
the price band and so on.
If you're really having problems, or if you have any suggestions
to make regarding the usability of the site, then please do let
us know.